The Be Book Tracker Tracker Index

Tracker Add-on Protocol

The Tracker provides a convenient shortcut mechanism through the use of add-ons. A user can access a special add-ons menu by right clicking in the Tracker. The Tracker interacts with an add-on through the process_refs() function described below.

Tracker add-ons should be placed in /boot/home/config/add-ons/Tracker. A shortcut key can be associated with the add-on by appending a dash followed by the shortcut key to the filename of the add-on.


Declared in:  be/be/add-ons/tracker/TrackerAddOn.h
void process_refs(entry_ref dir_ref, BMessage *msg, void *reserved)

The Tracker calls this function when the user invokes the add-on. The current directory is found in dir_ref. msg is a standard B_REFS_RECEIVED BMessage with the "refs" array containing the entry_refs of the files selected by the user. The third argument is currently unused.

process_refs() runs in a separate thread within the Tracker's team, so if your add-on crashes, the Tracker goes too.

A simple Tracker Add-On follows. It simply takes the contents of the arguments to process_refs() and outputs them in a window.

#include <Application.h>
#include <InterfaceKit.h>
#include <StorageKit.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <be/add-ons/tracker/TrackerAddon.h>

void process_refs(entry_ref dir_ref, BMessage *msg, void *)
BWindow *window = new BWindow(BRect(100,100,300,300),
   "Sample Tracker Add-on", B_TITLED_WINDOW, 0);
BTextView *view = new BTextView(BRect(0,0,200,200), "view",
   BRect(0,0,200,200), B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES, B_WILL_DRAW |

BPath path;
BEntry entry(&dir_ref);
view->Insert("Current Directory: ");

int refs;
entry_ref file_ref;
for (refs=0;msg->FindRef("refs", refs, &file_ref) == B_NO_ERROR;refs++) {
if (refs == 0)
      view->Insert("Selected files:n");

if (refs == 0)
view->Insert("No files selected.n");


new BApplication("application/x-sample-tracker-add-on");
(new BAlert("", "Sample Tracker Add-on", "swell"))->Go();
delete be_app;

The Be Book Tracker Tracker Index

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